The Causes Of Delayed Ejaculation

The Causes of Delayed Ejaculation

Delayed Ejaculation: Making Love Normally

At first sight delayed ejaculation (DE) seems to be a very difficult sexual problem to explain — at least compared to what we expect of men sexually.

For example, we all know about the problems of a man who ejaculates too quickly. Most therapists think a man with premature ejaculation is oversensitive to sexual stimuli, and possibly over-aroused during intercourse. Treatment of premature ejaculation is comparatively easy: you can discover the emotional issues that make a man respond to sexual stimulation with an exaggerated degree of arousal.

That isn’t too difficult, and when you know what’s causing him to come quickly, you can give him techniques that will increase his sexual confidence and reduce his anxiety.

This in turn will make him less likely to ejaculate too quickly. Simple, yes?

But what of the man who finds it difficult to ejaculate at all, except by his own hand during masturbation? The man who has delays in reaching orgasm?

In general men who can’t ejaculate tend to feel sexually inept and often express a degree of anxiety about their inability to reach orgasm.

Generally, the man’s partner will also feel deprived of satisfaction and pleasure. She may also feel a low level of self-esteem if she attributes her partner’s delayed ejaculation to her own lack of sexually attractive qualities.

Video – causes of delayed ejaculation